SiNON Patents
SiNON Nano Sciences is proud to have been awarded patents for the United States, India and EU underscoring our commitment to innovation and excellence in the field of advanced drug delivery systems. These patents recognize our proprietary technologies and methodologies that set us apart as leaders in oncology and therapeutic development.
US Patent Awards
India Patent Awards
EU Patent Awards (Pending)
Water soluble fluorescent quantum carbon dots.
Patent Number: 8357507
Filed: March 8, 2010
Patent Granted Date: January 22, 2013
Assignee: Cromoz inc, Name changed to SiNON NANO SCIENCES
Nanoparticle compositions and methods of making and using the same patent
Application Number: 201614033166
Filed: September 28,2016
Patent Granted date: January 22,2023
Patent Granted Date: January , 2023